Though we can’t sympathize with the harsh conditions of winter of some areas of the United States, we do still experience a range of warm and cold temperatures here in Arizona. And that means we still understand the thrashing your skin can take during the fickle weather patterns of winter. From wind and frigid air outdoors to the dry, heated air indoor, winter can cause sometimes severe, cracking and chafing of your skin. If you need some help breaking out of hibernation, here are some tips for getting your skin healthy.
Keep Moisturizing
Using moisturizer during the winter months helps prevent your skin from becoming overly dry, but don’t stop using it as the weather warms up. Although your skin might not feel as dry as the temperatures rise, it’s still important to keep moisturizing on a daily basis. Getting into the habit of regularly using a store-bought or homemade moisturizer can keep your skin looking fresh and healthy throughout the year. If you have some especially rough patches of dry skin from winter’s harsh weather, think about adding an extra layer to those areas to make them strong and smooth for spring.
Use an Exfoliator
Winter can leave you with skin that looks dull and tired. In order to get your glow back, use an exfoliator to remove dead skin cells that have been building up on your face and body. One thing to remember though is your skin may be more sensitive than normal so make sure not use an exfoliator that’s too rough or you could end up damaging it. Brown sugar facial scrubs make great homemade exfoliators for most skin types, but choose a store-bought cleanser with alpha-hydroxy if you have sensitive skin. These mild cleansers are effective at getting rid of dead skin cells without being too harsh.
Pamper Your Feet
Though heavy socks and boots may have covered your feet they can become very dry and cracked in winter, especially around your heels. So, don’t forget to give them some love when getting your skin prepared for flip-flop and sandal season. Soaking your feet in a homemade mixture of milk and honey can soften your skin and make rough patches smoother. You can also apply creams and lotions to them after soaking in order to seal in moisture and help them heal. No matter how dry or damaged winter has made your skin, these tips can get it looking healthy and glowing this spring. Keep in mind that practicing good skin care on a regular basis can keep it in good shape all year round. If you’re looking for an even more comprehensive healing method to get your skin back to its best condition, visit the experts at Pure Vanity and we’ll help you revitalize your body’s most important asset.
I hoped you enjoyed these helpful tips for getting your skin healthy. Give us a call at Pure Vanity Spa in Scottsdale for a Facial and Peel at 480.419.8267.